What you will get:

  • An MP3 audio file for each chapter
  • An MP3 audio file with the complete audiobook
  • The Word file with the edited text 
  • An MP4 video file with the complete audiobook (if applies)

Delivery time will vary depending the length of the book, the amount of changes and whether those changes will require consulting with the author to change words or word order in the sentence. 

Number of Source Words Type of file  Fee Upfront Payment
Up to 50,000  MP3 (individual chapters and full audiobook) $150.-*** 50%
Up to 50,000  MP3 (individual chapters and full audiobook)

MP4 (full book)

$200.-*** 50%
50,001 – 100,000 MP3 (individual chapters and full audiobook) $200.-*** 50%
50,001 – 100,000 MP3 (individual chapters and full audiobook)

MP4 (full book)

$250.-*** 50%
Over 100,000 MP3 (individual chapters and full audiobook) $250.-*** 50%
Over 100,000 MP3 (individual chapters and full audiobook)

MP4 (full book)

$300.-*** 50%

***Extra fee may apply. See Payment with Paypal under Payment Options.

Payment options

My preferred method of payment is Payoneer. It saves me a lot of fees to get the money credited in my local currency and it is super easy to use!

For more information about it, read:


Once it is time to send you an invoice, you will receive a payment request by email from Payoneer on my behalf, and it will give you the following payment options depending on your location:

  • Credit/Debit Card (MasterCard®, Visa®, American Express®) WORLDWIDE
  • ACH bank debit (electronic check) US ONLY
  • Direct Bank Payment UK ONLY
  • Payoneer Balance (for Payoneer account holders) WORLDWIDE

If the transaction has a fee, select the option to be paid by me.

Ultimately, payment can also be made by PayPal, but it will have a 10% increase to cover all fees involved to get it credited in my local currency.

If you are interested in hiring my services, please fill out the Contact Form