If you added your book to Babelcube or Traduzionelibri, the translator will send you the first pages so that you can decide whether to continue with the translation or not. How to make sure the sample is a good one when you are not familiar with the language? It is very important to know you will have a good book to sell and that the reviews will be about your story and not about the bad quality of the translation.

I can verify the sample and send you a report to help you decide if it is advisable to continue with that translator. I will point out if there are only typos or mistakes that can be easily solved with an editor or if the quality is poor and the editor would have to rewrite half of it.

The report will be an honest opinion and in no way will I criticize a translator’s job just for you to come running to me. I am currently not accepting books through those platforms nor doing translations for royalties. The idea is to help you make sure you will have a good translation of your book. Once it is done and published, if it is a bad one, the translator will still earn royalties and you will have to pay someone else to rewrite it.

This service costs USD 10 (plus extra fee if applies. See Payment with Paypal under Payment Options). If later on you want to hire me as a copyeditor for the full translation, you can check my Editing Services.

Payment Options

My preferred method of payment is Payoneer. It saves me a lot of fees to get the money credited in my local currency and it is super easy to use!

For more information about it, read:


Once it is time to send you an invoice, you will receive a payment request by email from Payoneer on my behalf, and it will give you the following payment options depending on your location:

  • Credit/Debit Card (MasterCard®, Visa®, American Express®) WORLDWIDE
  • ACH bank debit (electronic check) US ONLY
  • Direct Bank Payment UK ONLY
  • Payoneer Balance (for Payoneer account holders) WORLDWIDE

If the transaction has a fee, select the option to be paid by me.

Ultimately, payment can also be made by PayPal, but it will have a 10% increase to cover all fees involved to get it credited in my local currency.

Complete the Contact Form to request the service.